Supplementation isn't one size fits all. Although all the biological pathways in our bodies are the same, the problems we are facing may be due to different issues. Picking the right supplement stack to optimize your overall health is crucial.
How can I sleep better? Sleep is the most important aspect of a healthy life. Suboptimal sleep leads to suboptimal health. There may be many reasons you aren't getting high quality sleep, it can be due to increased stress, late work hours, or restlessness. There are many different supplements you can use to have higher quality sleep. We are going to discuss 3 sleep stacks. The first is our Relax Stack, this stack aims to lower cortisol to put you into a parasympathetic state to shorten onset of sleep and improve sleep quality. The second is our Rest Stack, this stack is made for people who work late nights or have abnormal sleep schedules. If you sleep out of your circadian rhythm you may miss the peaks of melatonin so supplementing with it is crucial to get high quality sleep. The third stack is our Sedate Stack, this is for people with extreme restlessness. This stack targets the serotonergic pathway to give you a relaxed sedative feel, downstream all of this serotonergic activity converts to melatonin to assure you high quality restful sleep.
Relax Stack The combination of Magnesium, L-theanine, and Ashwagandha will lower cortisol. This promotes relaxation and reduced anxiety thus shortening the onset of sleep and improve your sleep quality. Elevated levels of cortisol keep you awake, lowering these levels before bed will make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. This stack is great for people who work hard throughout the day and need help winding down before bed.
Rest Stack The combination of instant release melatonin, extended release melatonin and GABA is a very potent sleep stack. Melatonin is a hormone released in response to darkness, according to our circadian rhythm melatonin is released at night to help us sleep. The instant release melatonin will put you to sleep and the extended release will keep you asleep. GABA is a neurotransmitter that reduces anxiety and promotes relaxation, it reduces the activity of the brains arousal receptors. This stack is so potent you may wake up drowsy, start low and increase the dose! This stack is great for people who sleep outside of their circadian rhythm and miss the natural peak of melatonin.
Sedate Stack The combination of 5-HTP, L-Tryptophan, and P5P is a way to boost melatonin by first increasing serotonin. Serotonin is a precursor to melatonin. A boost in serotonin will allow for a sedated feel which is soon followed by a boost in melatonin. P5P increases the conversion of serotonin into melatonin. 5-HTP and L-Tryptophan both increase serotonin levels, which results into an increase in melatonin. This stack is great for people have extreme restlessness and need extra help getting to sleep.
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